JS Tutorial
JS Version
JS Objects
JS Function
JS Classes
JS Async
JS Browser BOM
JS Graphics
JavaScript Reserved Words
In JavaScript you are not allowed to use these reserved words as variables, labels, or function names:
abstract | arguments | Await* | boolean |
break | byte | case | catch |
char | Class* | const | continue |
debugger | default | delete | do |
double | else | Enum* | eval |
export* | extends | false | final |
finally | float | for | function |
goto | if | implements | Import* |
in | instanceof | int | interface |
Let* | long | native | new |
null | package | private | protected |
public | return | short | static |
Super* | switch | synchronized | this |
throw | throws | transient | true |
try | typeof | var | void |
volatile | while | with | yield |
Removed Reserved Words
The following reserved words have been removed from the ECMAScript 5/6 standard:
abstract | boolean | byte | char |
double | final | float | goto |
int | long | native | short |
synchronized | throws | transient | volatile |
JavaScript Objects, Properties, and Methods
One must avoid using the name of JavaScript built-in objects, properties, and methods:
Array | Date | eval | function |
Has own property | infinity | isFinite | isNaN |
isprototypeOf | length | Math | NaN |
name | Number | Object | prototype |
string | toString | undefined | valueOf |
Java Reserved Words
JavaScript is often used together with Java. Avoid using some Java objects and properties as JavaScript identifiers:
getClass | java | JavaArray | javaClass |
JavaObject | JavaPackage |
Other Reserved Words
JavaScript is used as the programming language in many applications.
Avoid using the name of HTML and Window objects and properties:
alert | all | anchor | anchors |
area | assign | blur | button |
checkbox | clearInterval | clearTimeout | clientInformation |
close | closed | confirm | constructor |
crypto | decodeURI | decodeURIComponent | defaultStatus |
document | element | elementse | embed |
embeds | encodeURI | encodeURIComponent | escape |
event | fileupload | focus | form |
form | frame | innerheight | innerwidth |
layer | layers | link | location |
mimeType | navigate | navigator | frames |
frameRate | hidden | history | image |
images | Offscreenbuffering | open | opener |
option | outerHeight | outerWidth | packages |
pageXoffset | pageYoffset | parent | parseFloat |
parseInt | password | Pkscs11 | plugin |
prompt | PropertyIsEnum | radio | reset |
screenX | screenY | Scroll | secure |
select | self | setInterval | setTimeout |
status | submit | taint | text |
textarea | top | unesacpe | untaint |
window |
HTML Event Handlers
Avoid using the name of all HTML event handlers.
onblur | onclick | onerror | onfocus |
onkeydown | onkeypress | onkeyup | onmouseover |
onload | onmouseup | onmousedown | onsubmit |