Getting Started with Git

Getting Started with Git

Git Installation

You can access the free download of Git from the following website: Git (

Using Git with Command Line

Open up the Command shell to use Git.

For Windows, Git bash is used, which comes included in Git for Windows. For Mac and Linux the built-in terminal is used.

Do make a check if Git is properly installed or not:

[user @localhost] $ it –version

git version

If Git is installed, something like this is shown git version X.Y

[user @localhost] $git config –global “Tutorial-test”

[user @localhost] $ git config –global

You can change the user name and e-mail address on your own.

Creating Git Folder

let’s create a new folder for our project:

[user @localhost] mkdir myproject

[user @localhost] cd myproject

mkdir makes a new directory.

cd changes the current working directory.

Initialize Git

Once you have crawled to the correct folder, you can initialize Git on that folder:

[user @localhost] git init

Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/user/myproject/.git/