Git Tutorial
Git and GitHub
Git Contribute
Git Advanced
Git Undo
Git Amend
Git commit --amend
commit –amend modifies the most recent commit.
It combines the latest commit with the changing stag environment and creates a new commit.
Hence, the new commit is replaced with the latest commit entirely.
Git Amend Commit Message
Git –amend allows you to change a commit message.
Now, update the and commit:
[user@localhost] $ git commit -m “Adding plines to reddme”
[master 07c5bc5] Adding plines to reddme
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Check the log:
[user@localhost] $ git log –oneline
07c5bc5 (HEAD -> master) Adding plines to reddme
9a9add8 (origin/master) Added .gitignore
81912ba Corrected spelling error
3fdaa5b Merge pull request #1 from webhostguru/update-readme
836e5bf (origin/update-readme, update-readme) Updated readme for GitHub Branches
daf4f7c (origin/html-skeleton, html-skeleton) Updated index.html with basic meta
facaeae (gh-page/master) Merge branch ‘master’ of
e7de78f Updated index.html. Resized image
5a04b6f Updated with a line about focus
d29d69f Updated with a line about GitHub
e0b6038 merged with hello-world-images after fixing conflicts
1f1584e added new image
dfa79db updated index.html with emergency fix
0312c55 Added image to Hello World
09f4acd Updated index.html with a new line
221ec6e First release of Hello World!
As we can see that the commit message is full of spelling errors. Let’s amend that:
[user@localhost] $ git commit –amend -m “Added lines to”
[master eaa69ce] Added lines to
Date: Thu Apr 22 12:18:52 2021 +0200
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-))
Re-Check the log:
[user@localhost] $ git log –oneline
eaa69ce (HEAD -> master) Added lines to
9a9add8 (origin/master) Added .gitignore
81912ba Corrected spelling error
3fdaa5b Merge pull request #1 from webhostguru/update-readme
836e5bf (origin/update-readme, update-readme) Updated readme for GitHub Branches
daf4f7c (origin/html-skeleton, html-skeleton) Updated index.html with basic meta
facaeae (gh-page/master) Merge branch ‘master’ of
e7de78f Updated index.html. Resized image
5a04b6f Updated with a line about focus
d29d69f Updated with a line about GitHub
e0b6038 merged with hello-world-images after fixing conflicts
1f1584e added new image
dfa79db updated index.html with emergency fix
0312c55 Added image to Hello World
09f4acd Updated index.html with a new line
221ec6e First release of Hello World!
Now, the previous commit is replaced with the amended one.
Git Amend Files:
As we see above, adding the files with –amend works in a similar way. Remember to add them to the staging environment before committing.