Git Tutorial
Git and GitHub
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Git Advanced
Git Undo
Git Pull Branch from GitHub
Pulling a Branch from GitHub
You may continue to work on the new branch in our local Git.
Let’s pull from the GitHub repository again, so that the code is up-to-date:
Open up the Command shell to use Git.
For Windows, Git bash is used, which comes included in Git for Windows. For Mac and Linux the built-in terminal is used.
Do make a check if Git is properly installed or not:
[user @localhost] $ it –version
git version
If Git is installed, something like this is shown git version X.Y
[user @localhost] $git config –global “Tutorial-test”
[user @localhost] $ git config –global
You can change the user name and e-mail address on your own.
Now the main branch is updated. And a new branch is available on GitHub.
Let’s check the status:
[user@localhost] $ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with ‘origin/master’.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
And confirm which branches we have, and which branch are we currently:
[user@localhost] $ git branch
* master
There is no new branch on the local Git. But it is available on GitHub. Therefore, by using the -a option all local and remote branches can be seen:
[user@localhost] $ git branch -a
* master
It is observed that the branch html-skeleton is available remotely, but not in the local git. Let’s check :
[user@localhost] $ git checkout html-skeleton
Switched to a new branch ‘html-skeleton’
Branch ‘html-skeleton’ set up to track remote branch ‘html-skeleton’ from ‘origin’.
And check everything is updated:
[user@localhost] $ git pull
Already up to date.
Which branches are we having, and where are we working from?
[user@localhost] $ git branch
* html-skeleton
Now, open the editor and confirm that the changes from the GitHub branch are carried over.