Html Basics

HTML Tutorial

HTML Forms

HTML Graphics

HTML Media


Html Basics

HTML Documents

HTML documents starts with a document type declaration: <!DOCTYPE html>.

The HTML document begins with <html> and ends with </html>.

The visible part of the HTML document is between <body> and </body>.


					<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>



My First Heading

My first paragraph.

The <!DOCTYPE> Declaration

The <!DOCTYPE> declaration describes the type of document, and helps browsers to display web pages correctly.

It must only appear once, at the top of the page.

The <!DOCTYPE> declaration is not case sensitive.

The <!DOCTYPE> declaration for HTML5 is: <!DOCTYPE html>

HTML Headings

HTML headings are starts from the <h1> to <h6> tags.

<h1> illustrates the most important heading.

<h6> illustrates the least important heading:


					<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>This is heading 1</h1>
<h2>This is heading 2</h2>
<h3>This is heading 3</h3>
<h4>This is heading 4</h4>
<h5>This is heading 5</h5>
<h6>This is heading 6</h6>



html heading

HTML Paragraphs

HTML paragraphs are defined with the tag.


					<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is another paragraph.</p>



This is a paragraph.

This is another paragraph.

HTML Links

HTML links are defined with the a tag.


					<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>HTML Links</h2>
<p>HTML links are defined with the a tag:</p>
<a href="">This is a link</a>



HTML Links

HTML links are defined with the a tag:

This is a link

HTML Images

					<img decoding="async" src="webhostguru.jpg" alt="" width="104" height="142">


HTML images are defined with the tag.

The source file (src), alternative text (alt), width, and height are used as attributes

How to View HTML Source?

Have you ever seen a Web page and wondered “Hey! How did they do that?”

Viewing the HTML Source Code:

Right-click on an HTML page and select “View Page Source” in the browser you are using. This will open a window that will display the HTML source code of the page.

Inspecting an HTML Element:

Right-click on an element and choose “Inspect” or “Inspect Element” to see the elements. The HTML or CSS can also be edited in the Elements or Styles panel.