Take a Screenshot On Your Mac (3 Keyboard Shortcuts)

You’ll definitely find yourself capturing screenshots on your Mac from time to time, whether it’s to record a moment in a film or to photograph something in a game for online assistance. There are several methods to take fascinating screenshots on your Mac, but one of the easiest is to use the built-in screenshot tools. Screenshots may be useful for presenting visual proof while offering advice, testing software, and other similar tasks.

In this post, we’ll teach you how to take screenshots on a Mac so you can snap photographs whenever you need them.

1. Capture the entire screen

On a Mac, keyboard shortcuts offer a quick and easy method to snap a screenshot. In fact, there are several approaches to this. You may take a snapshot of the entire screen by pressing SHIFT + COMMAND + 3.

To grab a screenshot of the full screen, use the SHIFT + COMMAND + 3 key combination.

Capture the entire screen in mac
Capture the entire screen in mac

2. Screenshot of Specific Area in Mac

You can also capture only a portion of the screen. SHIFT + COMMAND + 4, then use the mouse to pick the desired portion of the screen.

Capture Selection On Your Mac
Capture Selection On Your Mac

Release the mouse or trackpad button to capture the screen.

3. Screenshot of Specific Window

Use the key sequence SHIFT + COMMAND + 4 + SPACE BAR to snap a screenshot of a specified window.

Take a screenshot of the specific window on the Mac
Take a screenshot of the specific window on the Mac


Taking screenshots is a terrific method to capture what’s occurring on your screen, but you must know how to do it correctly. Screenshots can be taken full-screen or of a selected portion, and there are several methods for doing it on a Mac computer.

After you’ve taken the screenshot, you may utilize it as is or alter it with tools such as Quick Look and Preview. You can snap screenshots on your Mac using a variety of other keyboard keys as well. Overall, screenshots are a terrific method to capture things on your computer and save them for future use.