Laravel is a PHP web application framework. Laravel is very easy to learn for beginners and is developer-friendly. With more usage of Laravel, you will learn more about the functionalities of this toolkit. Here are the basic Laravel questions that are likely to be asked in the interview.
Q1. What is the latest version of Laravel?
Laravel 9. x. is the latest version.
Q2. What is a composer?
Composer is defined as a tool that is used for dependency management in PHP. In simple words, it is a package manager that provides a standard format for managing PHP libraries and dependencies.
Q3. What is Dependency Injection?
Dependency injection refers to the class dependencies that are injected into the class through the constructor or also through setter methods in some cases.
Q4. Define Laravel Service Container.
Laravel Service Container is a tool that helps to manage the dependencies and performs dependency injection.
Q4. What is Binding?
In the service provider, we can access the container through the $this->app property. Using the bind method, we can register the binding. Passing the class name that we wish to register with a closure that returns an instance of a class as below:
$this->app->bind (‘HelpSpot\API’, function ($app) { return new HelpSpot\API($app->make(‘HttpClient’)); });
Q5. What is Binding a Singleton?
The Singleton method is used to bind or class or interfaces into the container that should only be resolved time. The same objective instance is returned on subsequent calls into the container.
Q6. What are binding instances?
An existing object instance can be binded into the container using the instance method.
$api = new HelpSpot\API (new HttpClient); $this->app->instance (‘HelpSpot\API’, $api);
The above-given instance will be returned on subsequent calls into the container.
Q7. What is HTTP Middleware?
HTTP middleware is a technique that aims to filter HTTP requests. Laravel has middleware that checks if the application user is authenticated or not.
Q8. What are the important directories used in the Laravel application?
Directories used are:
- App/: This is a source folder where our application code lies and it includes controllers, policies, and models inside this folder.
- Config/: contains the app’s configuration files. These are usually not modified directly but instead, depend on the values set up in the .env (environment) file at the root of the app.
- Database/: contains the database files, including migrations, seeds, and test factories.
- Public/: Public folder is accessible publicly and holds compiled assets and of course an index.php file.
Q9. Which are the databases that are supported by Laravel?
Below is the list of supported databases in Laravel:
- PostgreSQL
- SQL Server
- SQLite
Q10. What is an artisan?
Artisan is the command-line tool for Laravel to help the developer develop the application.
PHP artisan list: It helps in creating the files using the make command. Some of the make commands are listed below:
PHP artisan make:controller – create a Controller file PHP artisan make:model - Create a model file PHP artisan make:migration – Create a Migration file PHP artisan make:seeder – Create Seeder file PHP artisan make:factory – create Factory file PHP artisan make:policy – Create a Policy file PHP artisan make: command - Create a new artisan command.
Q11. Define Route?
A route is a pointer in the Laravel application that specifies the endpoint by a Uniform Resource Locater.
Q12. Why do we need a route?
Routes are stored in the files under the route folder that lies inside the project root directory.
Q13. Define Controller?
Laravel is based on the controller which is “c” in the Model-View-controller architecture.
Q14. What is reverse routing in Laravel?
Reverse Routing can be defined as the process of generating a URL that is based on a symbol.
Q15. What are the traits in Laravel?
A trait is similar to an abstract class and Laravel traits are a group of functions that are included within another class.
Q16. Where are Laravel’s Facades defined?
Laravel’s facades are defined in Illuminate\Support\Facades namespace.
Q17. What are the default packages of Laravel 5.6?
Below are the default packages:
1) Envoy,
2) Passport
3) Socialite,
4) Cashier,
5) Horizon
6) Scout.
Q18. Define Service Container in Laravel?
Dependency injection in Laravel is done using Service Container.
Q19.What is dependency injection and name their type?
Dependency injection is a method in which objects are dependent on one another and their types are:
- Constructor injection.
- Setter injection.
- Interface injection.
Q20. What is the Full form of ORM?
ORM is Object-relational Mapping.
Q21. What is the Template Engine utilized in Laravel?
Blade is the template engine utilized in Laravel.
Q22. What is Lumen
Lumen is defined as a micro-framework that is the fastest version of Laravel based services.
Q23. What is the class used to handle exceptions?
Laravel exceptions are managed by App\Exceptions\Handler class.
Q24. What is Fluent query builder in Laravel?
Fluent query builder in Laravel provides a faster interface to create as well as run database queries.
Q25. What is dd() function used?
The dd() function is a dump and dies that is used for dumping the contents of a variable to the browser.
Q26. How can we configure a mail-in Laravel?
Laravel has APIs that are used to an email on both locales and live servers.
Q27. What is Auth?
Auth can be defined as a technique to identify the user login credential and password. It has two parameters
1) user
2) password.
Q28. Differentiate between delete () and soft deletes ()?
delete()->removes the whole table from the database.
Soft deletes-> it is used to mark the record in the database as deleted but it is not used to delete any record.
Q29. What is the importance of migration in Laravel?
Migration is important as they allow users to share application and also helps in synchronizing the database.
Q30. What is the active record concept in Laravel?
Active record concept helps in mapping to the database and in CRUD operations.