Many times when you are going to add youtube video in your website application then need to convert links to embed code and then save in database because when you going to add with iframe it will block to save in database because of security purpose.
So converting link into embed code and then show video using iframe tag in your view becomes easy.
Here code by which you can convert most of the videos link like Facebook /vimeo/youtube .
public function generateVideoEmbedUrl($url){ //This is a general function for generating an embed link of an FB/Vimeo/Youtube Video. $finalUrl = ''; if(strpos($url, '') !== false) { //it is FB video $finalUrl.=''.rawurlencode($url).'&show_text=1&width=200'; }else if(strpos($url, '') !== false) { //it is Vimeo video $videoId = explode("",$url)[1]; if(strpos($videoId, '&') !== false){ $videoId = explode("&",$videoId)[0]; } $finalUrl.=''.$videoId; }else if(strpos($url, '') !== false) { //it is Youtube video $videoId = explode("v=",$url)[1]; if(strpos($videoId, '&') !== false){ $videoId = explode("&",$videoId)[0]; } $finalUrl.=''.$videoId; }else if(strpos($url, '') !== false){ //it is Youtube video $videoId = explode("",$url)[1]; if(strpos($videoId, '&') !== false){ $videoId = explode("&",$videoId)[0]; } $finalUrl.=''.$videoId; }else{ //Enter valid video URL } return $finalUrl; }